The Catalyst
Staffordshire, UK

Establishing a new campus hub through dynamic and digital wayfinding




Culture & Civic


Students at the University of Staffordshire required a central space where they could come together, study, relax, learn, and be inspired. The Catalyst, aimed to meet these needs, uniting a range of spaces and functions in a vibrant, digitally enabled campus hub.


Benoy Branded Environments created a wayfinding scheme that reflects the ethos of the building. From a series of dynamic digital directories to signs with sleek, black metal outer shells, embellished with cut aways to reveal an internally illuminated centre, suggestive of a bright digital core. Chamfer detailing, aligned to the direction of travel, provides further aid to navigation, while a monochrome palette ensures legibility. Elsewhere, binary code in the glazing manifestations house hidden messages, capturing the imagination of the academics. Overall, the scheme reinforces the vibrancy of the new building and maximises the campus experience.


Project is now live

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