Mozarella Bar, American Dream
Greater New York, USA

Embracing the 360 degree Italian style


Programming and Planning, Concept, Schematic Design, Design Development, Environmental Graphics and Signage, Project Management


F&B: Mall Restaurant


Mozzarella Bar


4,400 sq.ft.


The Mozzarella Bar had a challenging footprint and location, our team had to create a unique garden terrace look that could change in the design’s direction.


The planning solution was to design in a circular manner — a circular kitchen enveloped by the bar, all positioned directly under the grand chandelier and fitted between the golden fountain and the mall entrance.


Our team designed the restaurant around a circular bar and kitchen, the 360-degree layout welcomes guests to a charming garden setting. Distinguished by its concentric design, the classic Italian influence echoes in every part of the restaurant.

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