07 March 2024

Benoy project OSUS Green Tower wins Best Concept Design at Design Middle East 24 Awards

Benoy project OSUS Green Tower has won the award for Best Concept at the Design Middle East 24 Awards. 

Green Tower is a groundbreaking new office tower in Riyadh. The scheme will use sustainable design principles to create a workplace environment centred on wellbeing and innovation, sitting at the heart of the city. 

Working closely with our client OSUS, the team based their design concept on a vision of Riyadh as a garden city. The tower includes a unique garden box concept that twists its way up the tower structure, connecting it to the surrounding urban landscape. In addition, the design allows for panoramic views that change as you navigate the building, offering an ever-evolving interaction with the cityscape and beyond.

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OSUS win small
15151 N4 hd
15151 N7 hd

John Dawes OSUS video v1
OSUS win small
15151 N4 hd
15151 N7 hd