23 February 2024

One Year of Urban Transformation: Wenzhou InCity MEGA

Benoy’s project, Wenzhou InCity MEGA, is proud to mark its one-year anniversary. Qin Pang, Benoy Director and Shanghai Studio Lead, recently shared profound insights in the fifth episode of the Imprint” video series, dedicated to unravelling the core aspects of commercial development.

In a dialogue with Ding Liye, Chairman of SCPG, Pang provided valuable perspectives on the architectural design, challenges, and successes.

Watch the behind-the-scenes dynamics of commercial building within Wenzhou InCity MEGA

Read more about the project here: https://​www​.benoy​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​2​/​0​9​/​n​e​w​-​c​o​m​p​l​e​t​e​d​-​b​e​n​o​y​-​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​-​w​e​n​z​h​o​u​-​i​n​c​i​t​y​-​mega/

Project Overview: A Southern Zhejiang Gem

Situated along Wenzhou’s Central Green Axis, spanning 250,000 m², the InCity MEGA project aims to redefine urban life and contribute to the cultural and leisure scenes in southern Zhejiang.

Challenges and Solutions: Navigating the Urban Maze

Situated adjacent to Wenzhou’s CBD municipal government building, the project boldly embraced the circular design challenge despite pressures. This innovative approach sought harmony with the Central Green Axis, creating a space that is both functional and visually captivating, addressing both aesthetic and logistical considerations.

Neighborhood Characteristics: Turning Challenges into Features

Spanning 300 meters, the Benoy team creatively segmented the building, incorporating playful elements to transform challenges into defining features.

At Benoy, our mission is to bring people together through architecture, with a special emphasis on creating spaces that genuinely connect with the community.

Special thanks to SCPG, Wenzhou Wanyin Property Co., Ltd., and Liye Ding for the invitation.

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Qin Interview Wenzhou InCity MEGA

Qin Interview Wenzhou InCity MEGA