07 三月 2024


为了庆祝国际妇女节,我们邀请了来自Benoy贝诺全球各个分公司的几名女性分享她们令人鼓舞的想法和建议,呼应今年的主题#InspireInclusion #激励包容。

IG4 X5 Eileen Feng
IG4 X5 Yiling Zhang
Who has inspired you in your career?
IG4 X5 Emily Lin
IG4 X5 Karen Mc Carthy
How do you inspire your team and encourage inclusion?
IG4 X5 Sally Lai
IG4 X5 Emily Whiteside
How do you inspire your team and encourage inclusion?
IG4 X5 Howe Chan
IG4 X5 Rama Salkar
What initiatives or strategies have you found effective in fostering a more inclusive and supportive work environment?
IG4 X5 Victor Kuan
IG4 X5 Tara Hamel 1
IG4 X5 Linxi Lu
IG4 X5 Sila Cakir
How do you think we can amplify the voices and contributions of women working in design?
IG4 X5 Wen Jing Fang
IG4 X5 Eileen Feng
IG4 X5 Yiling Zhang
IG4 X5 Emily Lin
IG4 X5 Karen Mc Carthy
IG4 X5 Sally Lai
IG4 X5 Emily Whiteside
IG4 X5 Howe Chan
IG4 X5 Rama Salkar
IG4 X5 Victor Kuan
IG4 X5 Tara Hamel 1
IG4 X5 Linxi Lu
IG4 X5 Sila Cakir
IG4 X5 Wen Jing Fang