The company provides expert consultancy services to commercial operators, and due diligence to investors, with a particular focus on mixed use, airports, travel, and retail property. The team help their clients by delivering expert services in commercial intelligence and quick wins; commercial strategy and vision; space planning and revenue forecasting; and investment advisory and due diligence.
30 七月 2024
Komal Datta在“绿色建筑——可持续发展与创新的交汇点”活动上发表演讲
Benoy贝诺部门总监Komal Datta最近在孟买举行的2024年Realty+Harit Bharat领导力峰会和颁奖典礼上发表演讲。
如希望进一步讨论上述主题,请联系Komal Datta,。